Sunday, August 28, 2011

Not much goin' on.....

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Not much has been going on since we got here.  It's been foggy in the mornings, and the sun has been coming out in the afternoons - except for today!  Mom and Dad have been just chillin' out at camp, except to go to the grocery store and drive around town a bit.  Yesterday, Mom took me for a walk and we found a whole bunch of Blackberries, but when Dad and I went today, he said they were sour!

The neighbors are from Henderson, NV and they brought their "pet" over to meet me - it was a BIRD!

I meet "Polly" the bird from Henderson!

I guess he's alright - he does have a pretty song that he sings all the time, but he isn't allowed out of his cage, so I can't play with him!

It's kinda cool today, so Mom is going to make Dad a fried chicken dinner with all the trimmings, right down to the apple cobbler - lucky guy!  (I don't get any because I'm allergic to chicken - not so lucky for me!)  I wonder if I'm allergic to Polly?

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