Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lots has happened in the last few days...

Tuesday, March 15, 2010

We really had a good time at cousin John and Penny's house.  We ate and drank and ate and visited and ate and ate....well, you get the idea.  Digger was the perfect gentleman and let me do what ever I wanted.  Our camp spot was just perfect!  Cousin John took us for a ride on Saturday and showed us all around the Tampa Bay area, after Mom and Dad took me to the Vet for an injection I was due for, and breakfast of course.  Mom was disappointed that she didn't have her camera.  Lots of great things to see.  We had a bon fire one night with roasted marshmallows, and last night we went to the pond to go fishing (no catching) before dinner.

Here are some of the pictures Mom took with Dad's camera while we were there.

Dad and Me in front of the bon-fire.

Cousin Penny let me sit in her lap

Cousin John let me sit in his lap too, but he wouldn't share
his drink with me!

Dad and Cousin John fishing - not catching!

We had to leave this morning to go to Tampa for a service appointment for the trailer.  It was a VERY LONG day.  We got there at 8:30 am and they finally finished at 6:00 pm.  Mom said it was a good thing they comped us the camp spot across the street. 

A few days ago, there was a virus in the computer, and we got that all taken care of too.  We took the computer to Best Buy and they wanted $200 and up to four days to fix it, so Mom found a guy that only charged $100 and only took less that a day to get things back to normal.

The only thing we haven't done is get the lens fixed on Mom's camera.  Mom took it to a guy yesterday and he said it wasn't fungus, he said the lens was separating inside.  Mom called the manufacturer and that guy said that was almost impossible!  I guess Mom is going to send it off to the manufacturer and see what happens!  In the mean time, she will be taking photos with Dad's camera - she is trying to get used to using it.

This is the Skybridge going to Tampa, FL!

More shots of the bridge...

Mom and Dad are debating where to go to next.  Mom and I want to go to the Ocala area and Dad wants to go farther North, closer to the Georgia border.  I'll let you know were we end up!

Boy, hope I haven't forgotten anything.......that's what happens when the computer goes down ...

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