Sunday, March 6, 2011

Doggie Park day.....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Today was Dogie Park day, and do they ever have a great park!  It was is my new friend Zeus!  How would you like to feed and clean up after this?

My new friend Zeus
Mom is getting good at taking these pictures...look at how hard Dad is working in the back ground!

We had a great time playing with each other, but it was very warm and humid this afternoon.

Dad said we will be moving on tomorrow morning, but I don't think Dad know where we are going!?  I'll let you know when we get there.

1 comment:

  1. So good to get back on your blog. I have been having a little trouble keeping up with you. Love the pictures and the stories. You folks have really been making tracks across the United States since Christmas. It looks like you are still having the time of your life. It does my heart good to see that there is some place in the good old USA that isn't covered in snow, or snow and mud. So I love seeing the sunshine, even if it is in a postcard. Love you all. Keep the adventures going. So have you had a 'fish taco'? I hear they are the rage along the coasts. That is something I would have to taste before I could believe it is any good. Keep me posted. Love you, Gog
