Monday, February 7, 2011

Moving on down the road...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Well, we moved on down the road today as promised, but stopped short because of the high winds.  We found a little RV Camp site in Theodore, AL.  Mom said she is in love with Mississippi, if only for KFC.  You see, Mom and Dad stopped at KFC for a quick lunch and they had a $5.00 buffet - that had gizzards and livers (and okra).  Mom said it was quite a treat!
We drove along the coast highway and Mom got some pictures of the great looking beaches, but the workers were out there picking up tar balls...too bad because they sure have pretty white sand beaches.  There was also a lot of building lots across from the beaches for sale.  Dad said we are going on the Florida tomorrow.

Workers on the beach picking up tar balls

In those trees on the left are all the lots for sale - very pretty place.

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