Thursday, February 3, 2011

Early start to beat the ice storm!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Whew!  We made it!  Mom and Dad got up "early" and we headed out for New Orleans this morning.  The Highway Patrol were closing all the overpasses (bridges) because they were afraid of ice on them and they wanted to prevent accidents.  There are a lot of bridges and overpasses because of all the water and swamps here.  We had to take a couple of detours because of the closed roads, so what was going to be a two and a half hour drive, turned out to be a little over 4 hours.  But, we made it safe and sound and we are hunkered down and warm.  At one point when we stopped to "stretch our legs" there was a sheet of ice on the front of the trailer.  Mom took a picture of the mirror on her side of the truck so you can see the ice:

Ice on the back of the mirror after
it started to melt.

This just looks like water, but it is ice on the back of the mirror.  Mom noticed it after it started to melt off.  We didn't get rid of the ice until we actually got to New Orleans.  Luckily, the roads weren't like this.  They closed the schools and some state offices today because of the ice.  They are really cautious in Louisiana!

It's supposed to rain for the next few days, but it's not supposed to be cold enough for ice - upper 30's.  Then the weekend is supposed to be in the 50's to 60's - thank goodness!

Dad said we will be here through Sunday (at least), but if the weather gets a lot better, we may stay a few days longer.

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