Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yearling deer and Fishin'

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Well, today Mom and Dad said they were going to take me fishing, but before we got the boat, we met up with the (sort of pet) yearing deer here at the fishcamp.  She was born last year about this time, and has hung around camp for the whole year.  She is known to come into camp and harrass the dogs, because she knows she can out run them!  I wanted to sniff noses, but she wouldn't let me - she doesn't let any dog get that close.

This is the yearling deer - she sure is fast with those long legs!
Oh, and my neighbor in camp is part basset hound, and the other part is golden retreiver.  His name is Sprirol (not sure how to spell that one), but he is real nice had we romp and play when the weather is cool.  Otherwise we just sleep where we can find a cool spot.

Hanging out with my new friend

Now, on to this fishin' thing.  I thought this would be really hard work, but, heck, laying in the bottom of the boat where it is cool was no big deal!  Dad had a heck of a time - forgot to buy bobbers, forgot his glasses, and lost a nut out of one of his fishing reels!  Mom on the other hand, had no problem!  She found a bobber on the bank of the river and retrieved it, rigged up her line and started fishing.  Once they got going, Mom caught two cat fish and dad caught one - but they threw them BACK!  Now, why go to all that trouble if you are just going to throw them BACK?  Mom said they wouldn't even have made good Catfish nuggets - she said she was tempted to leave them on the hook for bait!  Speaking of bait, Mom and Dad used rooster livers (those smelled pretty good) and worms (they sure were squiggley little things, but didn't really smell that good).

See, this fishing thing is real EASY!
As long as you have a soft place for your head....

Going up the St Marys River 
Any way, that was our day today - it was a good thing Mom and some hamburger in the freezer!

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