Monday, October 31, 2011


Monday, October 31, 2011

I GOT MY DOGGIE DOOR, however, it's sitting in the garage!  Mom and Dad went to a place and signed papers for an hour today, then we left and went back to the trailer and sat around for HOURS!  Then Mom got a phone call and Mom and Dad both sprang into action!  We went over to the real estate office and got some keys and then we went to the "PUD" and I got to see my new digs for the first time - it wasn't too bad so I went ahead and "christened" it and staked out my part of the yard!  Then Mom and Dad went shopping, they got me my doggie door and Dad said he would put it in tomorrow.  Dad unpacked my doggie bed too, so I'm all moved in except for my food and bowls.

Dad said Sandi (the real estate lady) and Brandy (the VA loan lady) did a great job in getting us into our new place pretty fast!  Mom said it couldn't have come too soon because the weather is turning cold and she is ready for a bigger and more permanent place for a while.

Dad said he had to redo the kitchen and dining room floors and then he and Mom will be moving our other stuff in!  They seem really excited to have a place bigger than the trailer.  They had a nice surprise and found that the owner had cleaned the whole place including the carpet, so now Mom and Dad don't have to worry about that and they can move some stuff in earlier than they had originally thought.  Mom said she can have the washer and dryer, and the freezer delivered as soon as they can get it scheduled, and Dad said they can move in their bed on Friday or Saturday!  Someone is coming to clean the old rug and the sectional, and then that can come in too.  Sounds like we are going to be kinda busy for a few days, but I think it will be worth it!

Mom said she will get some pictures as soon as she can......

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